It is now three years since the present Fryern Community Association (FCA) took office. Our Constitution requires us to report on activities, present our Accounts and set out our plans for the coming year. It also requires us to hold an election for the Honorary Officers within the Committee
These positions are Chairman (currently Philip Heller) , Vice Chairman ( currently vacant ) Treasurer ( currently Anne Alexander) and Secretary ( currently Shelagh Lee ) All of these key positions must, according to the constitution be offered to the public for consideration and at this AGM, we hope the FCA committee will be agreed for the next three year period .
Although these positions have to be formally elected, we should not forget that there are a number of people on the Committee who do not hold a position of Honorary Officer, to which we (and particularly I, as Chairman) all owe a debt of thanks for their efforts over the past three years
They are James Duguid (mainly visible for running our film nights but contributes a great deal more) Sylvia Parsons who is a stalwart in the mornings, runs the Ukulele group in the afternoons and is a key member of the catering team for our evening events. Jayne Howells, who runs the successful Happy Bunch group who meet every Friday afternoon. Alan Broadhurst who brings his considerable Council experience to bear whenever it is needed, Peter Child, who is leader of the Parish Council but still finds time to run our website and last but not least Bernice Heller, who with Anne and Sylvia, run our Morning sessions, provides behind the scenes secretarial duties and does whatever is necessary to fill in the gaps whenever necessary.
FCA is indebted to all of them. However, the level of activity that we now offer means that our resources are stretched, and reinforcements would be very welcome. There are many Unsung Heroes amongst you who contribute a great deal including lending a hand in the kitchen at the end of an evening, helping put away chairs, delivering event postcards and making suggestions for evening events but more help would be welcome.
Please would some of you consider making the jump from being an Unsung Hero to being a full Committee member. You can be assured that if you make yourself known, you will be welcomed with open arms , noting that at this meeting the Honorary Officers have to be formally elected, but anyone can put their names forward to offer their services for the roles.
The present group have taken the FCA to a new level as compared to where we were when we started, but in order to give our volunteers a break, cover the gaps during holidays, and bring new impetus to FCA by offering new ideas and abilities, we would welcome new recruits to the FCA committee or as a designated helper in the mornings, and especially in the evenings
I am pleased to note all members of the present committee have agreed to stand for another three-year term The level of activity and our financial stability is testament to their efforts.
All residents of Oakmount, Peverells Wood and Scantabout are welcome to come to this AGM meeting, and a warm welcome is extended to them as well as those people who have kindly consented to be on our database, and who form the nucleus of people who support our morning, afternoon and evening events.
Tonight is your opportunity to talk to committee members and fellow residents and friends to have your say on the activities that the Fryern Community Association has offered over the past year
Morning Activities
I am indebted to Bernice, Sylvia and Anne who run the morning sessions at the Pavilion.
It is now possible to play Scrabble, Rummikub, Canasta, Mahjong and Cribbage on a Friday morning as well as Table Tennis. Bridge has made a very welcome return. All the players currently attending are relative novices, but by playing together are gradually improving their skills. Anyone wishing to come and learn are welcome There is no charge for tuition as was the case pre-Covid
We are able to offer hot or cold drinks with biscuits and a smile to complement the morning activities. Some visitors do not join in any of the activities but come in for a chat and have a drink, paid for by donation. We understand it is daunting for people on their own to come, but we have a growing number of attendees who have taken the plunge and are now regulars.
It is important to note that this is a free service, run by volunteers and the only income we derive from the morning sessions is by donations for the drinks and biscuits.
Afternoon Activities
Jayne Howells runs our Happy Bunch activities in the afternoon. We were pleased to welcome them as we were able to offer an easily accessed and bright and modern place for them to meet.
Up to 25 people over 70 years old come to these events and enjoy a variety of entertainment arranged by Jayne. Not only does Jayne arrange entertainment but she also arranges transport for those attendees who might otherwise have difficulty in getting out and joining in these activities.
Whilst Jayne is overseeing the Happy Bunch, Sylvia runs a Ukulele group in the Clanfield Room This runs most Fridays with a nice group of ladies attending.
Evening Activities
With energy prices and the cost-of-living soaring, FCA feel that it is important that we offer a safe, warm, and friendly environment for our attendees. To date, we have limited the ticket price of all evening events to £5 and it is intended that will continue during the next term of office.
Because we have had good numbers of people attending our morning and particularly our evening events, we have donated £1000 since the last AGM to local and deserving local charities.
All of the Committee feel that it is important that we support local charities. Some of our entertainers have specifically asked that we give their fee to nominated local charities, so by coming to our events, you are supporting a community project whilst supporting local charities .
Regulars will know that if you come to a film at Fryern Community Association (which has included blockbusters like Oppenheimer and Wicked Little Letters, not only do you see the film, but we provide food as well sometimes hot, sometimes cold
In addition, we have offered music nights. We have recently welcomed Frayed Knot for the third time who provide a cool jazz evening We have had a successful Country and Western evenings and a very well attended singalong Folk Night with the Itchen Folk Band
We enjoyed a Guitar evening featuring our own Sylvia which was one of our highlights.
Look out for the Southampton Seadogs in November a sea shanty group and the return of the folk Night next year and another Guitar evening which will be our Xmas party
The format of our evenings is that we introduce the evening entertainment at about 7.30 or 7.45. The band or film plays until 8.30 or 8.45. We then serve food, and it gives our audience to mingle and chat amongst themselves. I am pleased to note that regulars come with friends but look out for other regular attendees so they can eat, discuss the first half of the entertainment before setting down to the second half which generally ends about 10pm.
We actively encourage this mingling, as we wish to promote FCA as a community hub, and it is important that people meet and get to know each other. I am often thanked at the end of the evening by people who have enjoyed the entertainment but have had the opportunity of making or catching up with friends.
The entertainment and food costs £5 each. If you want a drink, there is a selection of wine or soft drinks / beers available which is paid by donation.
We run quiz nights, which includes a raffle with some fun prizes, and have supported some talks including Wild Sculpting, and an excellent Prosecco Night provided by our regular attendee John Webster.
We participated in the Parish Council led D Day celebrations. There was an excellent D Day exhibition in the Clanfield Room and FCA hosted a excellent but harrowing film about the D day landings as well as providing food.
FCA work closely with the Parish Council were largely responsible for the D Day night, We were pleased to support their efforts for this major celebration.
FCA had already decided to show a D Day film as a film night. We are therefore taking the opportunity of showing Lancaster tonight as our homage to those who gave their lives on that day.
The format of the AGM evening will therefore be:
7.30 -8.00pm AGM (no charge)
8.00 to 10.15 pm (Film Lancaster including food £5, for those of you who wish to stay)
Moving Forward
The present FCA committee have progressed, despite Covid and the reluctance of people to come out after Covid into a successful community hub.
We are constrained to some extent in what we can offer by the numbers of people who can help at events. All of the committee should be congratulated for what has been achieved over the past three years. If you would like to be a part of a successful organisation and offer your skills, whatever they are, we will be pleased to discuss them and welcome you.
Last Word- Warren Ackerman
The present committee inherited an established Community Association that had a healthy bank balance when we took over three years ago. This was due in no small measure to Warren Ackerman who was chair before I was. Sadly, Warren has very recently passed away.
The FCA committee send their sincere condolences to Rose and hope she will find comfort in watching our activities thrive, and perhaps joining in our activities as a memory to Warren
Thank you for coming tonight and I hope to see you at our events moving forward
Philip Heller ( Chairman FCA)
Vice Chairman
1. James Duguid
2. Bernice Heller
3. Sylvia Parsons
4. Alan Broadhurst
5. Jayne Howells